Sarah Jaine in "Soft Secrets" Magazine

Sarah Jaine, one our sexy "Dazed Vixens" was recently interviewed for "Soft Secrets Magazine" (A magazine about the cannabis culture). Some of our pictures were featured inside the magazine as well as on the cover. It was an honor to be part of this issue and we invite you to take a look at their website and take a peek at the sensuous pictures from our fun shoot with her.


You can read her interview in their last issue 


Sarah is an incredible spokeperson for the marijuana community and we conrgratulate her on her growing success.



Congrats Sarah!

"Nordique" is Reviewing Concentrates

Our Beautiful and Sensual Vixen "Nordique" is reviewing concentrates for Reviewer mag at various dispensaries around California. Her reviews are insightful and we can't wait to read more reviews in the future. 

She's not only an incredibly sexy stoner, she also has a clever writing full of helpful tips for the medical marijuana users who want to live a healthy life.

Check out her review and take a look at her pictures again ;)


Happy Monday!

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High Times Cannabis Cup 2013

We are happy to announce that we will be attending the 2013 "High TImes" Cannabis Cup in Los Angeles. We are looking forward to meeting more cannabis connoisseurs and enthusiasts and hopefully a few growers who might be willing to welcome us with one or two sexy vixens in the future.

We will have a lot of  stickers, postcards and a few shirts to give out so look for us there!

Have a great time.

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Dazed Stickers

To celebrate the launch of our new website we are giving away free stickers to our first followers while supplies last.  It only takes three quick easy steps and you will receive 10 stickers in the mail within a week. Clik on the "Facebook" link at the top of our page and learn more about getting your FREE stickers. They are an awesome way to show your support and spread the word. We invite you to send pictures of your stickers when you receive them and we will be happy to post them on our Facebook page.

We have added one beautiful natural Vixen since the launch and we are so proud to have "Sativa Verte" as one of our gorgeous Dazed Vixens. Her Fun attitute and high energy definitely came through in the sexy pictures and you will love every single shot in her set. We will be adding girls monthly and we hope you will check back from time to time.

If you enjoy food as much as most cannbis lovers do, you will enjoy taking a glimpse at "Gourmet Stoner", a food blog with recipes, great eateries,  munchies, and late night snack disasters. 

Grab your bag of weed, grind some buds, roll yourself a joint, and relax while you browse through our beautiful Vixens.



Love the Gourmet Stoner.


Love the concept!!! I am already a big fan!

Puff Puff Pass!

Puff Puff Pass!
The ballast is buzzing, the water is dripping, the fan is blowing
Puff Puff Pass!
The weed is burning, the smoke is flowing, the stoners are laughing
Puff Puff Pass!
Taking off their clothing, the models are blazing, while the strobes are flashing

- Anonymous -

We are excited and proud to present the Dazed Vixens: seductive stoners with big buds and intoxicating smiles. If you love cannabis and sexy nude women, you will want to gaze at these glamorous medical users tending to their plants while enjoying a taste of their favorite strains. 

Posing  in outdoor gardens or Indoor grow rooms, giving grow tips and recipes for tasty edibles, the irresistible naked vixens will become your new drug of choice.

Become part of a community, join us on facebook and twitter to get regular updates, roll a joint or pack a bong, and log in to comment on our blog.

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